Aloha from the land of rainbows, flora, fauna, and magick. I have found myself sinking deeper and deeper into the craters left behind from oozing magma that brought these islands (and the rest of the world) into existence!
Maui is full of secrets, surprises, blessings and adventures. Watching all the sands combine in the car seats turning them black, white, and red. Silhouettes of butterflies float across curtains while sweet blossoms of papaya wift through the air. Driving under a golden dragon eye Moon in time to catch sunrise from 10,000 feet on a Helaekala crater to acres of lavender farms as far as the eye can see. Jumping off of 20 foot cliffs and then snorkeling a 1/2 mile to get to the next beach while listening to the whales sing underwater the entire way! Floating on your back in an idealyc pool at the bottom of a waterfall gazing lovingly at a perfect chesire cat moon smiling down on you. There is not much more you need in life to feel content.
The access to fresh fruit and healthy living is abundant and comes with ease. Maui is constantly conspiring to keep us here longer and pull us back on her shores. Everything from roadside dips in fresh water pools to hiking 10 minutes to feast our eyes on triple waterfall views to spinning fire in the middle of a secret beach party (catch some of that here and here Maui has exceeded my expectations on all levels.
We drove out to Hana for a few days and luxuriated in her splendor. Venus pool was a ridiculous pleasure. A pleasant protected tidepool filled with salt water and streaming sunshine. A family near by was seen selling fish and when we asked to get some they said aloha and didn’t want a penny for it and then ran inside and got us the special peppers they grew and told us how to make their favorite sauce. We still gave them something for their bounty- but the spirit of Aloha is ever present here.
At seven sacred pools all of my waterfall dreams were answered. I’ve been to more than 75 waterfalls in the past three years and this was by far the most dreamy experience yet. It’s what you wish for when you dream of waterfalls. Refreshing freshwater pools, rocks smoothed by the years of water flowing over them for lounging in the warm sun, falls at various heights making an impressive journey through the earth to the sea, rainbows shooting off the mist-It made my mermaid heart sing.
At one point while climbing the porous volcanic walls – whose knobs and crevices fit perfectly in my hands and feet I heard a loud message that the earth will tell me exactly what to do. I was astounded by my heart opening and listening to the earth loud and clear! Where to scramble, what to grab onto, what to eat, where to adventure and when to turn around. It’s been a pretty incredible and enlightening experience. It only continues to support my conclusion that everything humans need to survive and thrive here comes from the earth itself. We look in so many places and substitute so many other unnecessary things but in the end all we need is already here.
Mahalo Mother Earth for sharing your bounty with us. My wish is for each of you reading this to take a moment and appreciate all the ways in which the earth and the universe support us whole heartedly. Let go of the things that no longer serve you and bask in beauty of the lands, waters, sun, and seas. If we all gave ourselves permission to take this time what an incredible world this could be.
And now here I sit watching the sunrise from the sky. Still salty from my last maui swim where the sunset was bouncing off the shore and whales were breeching out on the horizon. My heart is forever warmed from the countless rainbows, whales, sea turtles, and thriving aquatic life encounters, fresh foods and coconut nectar, and good friends and family that surrounded this trip. The aloha spirit will keep me warm for the next chapter of my east coast adventures. May my story warm and inspire you as well.
It’s places like these that help me harness my magick. But you don’t have to be in far away lands to get to this place in your heart. We harness our magick every time we surround ourselves with things that bring us joy, charge us up, get into our flow through dance, hoop, yoga, or meditation, and lovingly adorn ourselves with scents, sparkles, and creams. There are so many ways we can prepare ourselves to successfully take on the days ahead! Join me on Instagram @aliluminescent and let me know how you #harnessyourmagick by adding this hashtag to the posts of photos that bring you joy. The more YOU harness your magick the more it encourages others around you to do the same! Next thing you know we will all be wrapped up and supported in gorgeous gooey love ball of worldly magick! And may it be so!
May this world support you in all the ways you wish and especially in the ways you never knew it needed to!
Aloha and Shine bright!